Final Programme
| Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
9:00 to 9:30 | Gonzalez-Perez | Stoppacher | Disc.&Work | Riebe (r) | Croton |
9:30 to 10:00 | Behrens/Benson | Disc. Paper I | Orsi (r) | Disc. Database | Disc.&Work |
10:00 to 10:30 | Discussion | Disc. Paper I | Moliné | Disc. Database | Disc.&Work |
10:30 to 11:00 | coffee break | coffee break | coffee break | coffee break | coffee break |
11:00 to 11:30 | Favole | Vega | Collacchioni | Comparat (r) | Disc.&Work |
11:30 to 12:00 | Abadi | Hough | Gargiulo | Disc.&Work | Disc.&Work |
12:00 to 12:30 | Discussion | Discussion | LUNCH | Disc.&Work | Disc.&Work |
12:30 to 13:00 | LUNCH | LUNCH | LUNCH | LUNCH | LUNCH |
13:00 to 14:00 | LUNCH | LUNCH | Colloquium | LUNCH | LUNCH |
14:00 to 15:30 | Disc.&Work | Disc.&Work | Disc.&Work | NO workshop | NO workshop |
15:30 to 16:00 | coffee break | coffee break | coffee break | NO workshop | NO workshop |
16:00 to 17:30 | Disc.&Work | Disc.&Work | Disc.&Work | NO Workshop | NO workshop |
Speakers marked as (r) will present their talk remotely.
Note: Talks are scheduled in Argentina Local Time (GMT-3).
Note (2): There are no workshop activities on Thursday and Friday afternoons.
Speakers and Titles of talks
- Violeta González-Pérez: "The stellar-halo mass relation of [OII] emitters at z~1" slides
- Christoph Behrens / Andrew Benson: "The Galacticus Semi-Analytic Model as Applied to MultiDark" Benson's slides Behrens' slides
- Ginevra Favole: "Modeling the clustering of emission line galaxies using light-cones" slides
- Mario Abadi: "Barred galaxy formation in the EAGLE cosmological simulation" slides
- Doris Stoppacher:"'data release & clustering' paper (Paper I)" slides
- Cristian Vega: "SAG Semi-analytic model on the MultiDark simulations" slides
- Tomás Hough: "Star formation quenching in different environments" slides
- Álvaro Orsi: "What lies beyond perturbation theory: The impact of Galaxy Formation on clustering measurements" slides
- Ángeles Moliné: "CDM subhalo concentrations and implications for DM annihilation signals" slides
- Florencia Collacchioni: "Study of the Mass-Metallicity Relation in Galaxies" slides
- Ignacio Gargiulo: "Stellar Subpopulations in bulges of MW-type galaxies" slides
- Kristin Riebe: "Discussion on: CosmoSim Database" slides
- Johan Comparat: "Mapping and mocking the large scale structure of the universe with emission line galaxies" slides
- Darren Croton: "Accessing the models in TAO / SAGE on MultiDark" slides
- Ginevra Favole: "Star-forming galaxies as tools for cosmology in new-generation spectroscopic surveys"