Dr. Darren Croton from Centre for Astrophysics & Supercomputing, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia, and Dr. Violeta González-Pérez from Portsmouth University, United Kindom, will give a special course on galaxy formation and evolution at Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas, between 29th september and 4th october, 2016. Lectures will be held at Salon Meridiano, FCAG.
Requirements: Knowledge of python (not exclusive). Participants are expected to bring their own laptops in order to carry out the hands-on work.
Programme of the course
Four lectures of two hours each: 1h theory (T)/ 1h hands-on (H)
1st class (29/09):
T: Introduction to galaxy formation (evolution of large scale
structures, galaxy properties).
H: Introduction to Python (https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/)
and SQL (Structured Query Language, https://arxiv.org/abs/1510.01320,
obtaining the mass function of dark matter haloes with Python from the
Millennium DataBase (http://virgo.dur.ac.uk). Generate from there a
galaxy stellar mass function making the least assumptions
and comparing to
some observations
2nd class (30/09):
3rd class (03/10):
T: Detail introduction to SAMs: modeling of the baryonic processes
involved in galaxy formation and evolution.
H: Introduction to SAGE (http://darrencroton.github.io/) and calibration of free parameters.
4th class (04/10):
T: Mimicking observations: generating lightcones.
H: Introduction to TAO (Theoretical Astrophysical Observatory,
(https://tao.asvo.org.au/tao/) and writing format hdf5: obtaining
diagnostic plots (LF, GSMF) from a box downloaded using TAO.
Generation of a lightcone with TAO (Getting the LF using the Vmax
Darren's Lecture 1 (PDF)
Darren's Lecture 2 (PDF)
Students will have to complete the practical activities proposed in each hands-on class which will demand 6-8 hours of additional work. Results will be discussed in the following class.
The schedule for the Special Course is the following:
Time | Thursday 29/09 | Friday 30/09 |
14:00 to 15:00 | Theory 1 (by Violeta) | Theory 2 (by Violeta) |
15:00 to 16:30 | Exercise 1 | Exercise 2 |
16:30 to 17:00 | COFFEE | COFFEE |
17:00 to 18:00 | Exercise 1 (extra time) | Exercise 2 (extra time) |
Time | Monday 03/10 | Tuesday 04/10 |
10:00 to 11:00 | Theory 3 (by Darren) | Theory 4 (by Darren) |
11:00 to 12:30 | Exercise 3 | Exercise 4 |
12:30 to 14:00 | LUNCH | LUNCH |
14:00 to 16:00 | Exercises | Exercises |
Undergraduate and graduate students, posdocs and researchers interested in these topics can participate by sending an e-mail to Sofía Cora (sacora@fcaglp.unlp.edu.ar or sofia.cora@gmail.com) and Claudia Scóccola (cscoccola@fcaglp.unlp.edu.ar or claudiascoccola@gmail.com).
Name | Surname | Institution |
Carlos | Argüelles | FCAG, UNLP / CONICET |
Melina | Bersten | IALP, UNLP |
Juan Pablo | Caso | IALP, UNLP |
Florencia | Collacchioni | FCAG, UNLP |
Bruno Javier | De Bórtoli | FCAG, UNLP |
María Emilia | De Rossi | IAFE |
Facundo Manuel | Delfino | FCAG, UNLP |
Mariano | Dominguez Romero | IATE-OAC-UNC y CONICET |
Keiko | Fushimi | FCAG, UNLP |
Martín | Gamboa | FCAG, UNLP |
Ignacio | Gargiulo | IALP |
Nélida | Gonzalez | IALP,UNLP |
Guillermo | Hagele | IALP, UNLP |
Tomás | Hough | FCAG, UNLP |
María Jose | Kanagusuku | IATE |
Lucila | Kraiselburd | FCAG, UNLP |
Martín | Mestre | IALP, UNLP |
María de los Angeles | Moliné | CFTP - IST (Portugal) |
Facundo David | Moyano | FCAG, UNLP |
Rocío | Paez | RCAAM, Academy of Athens, Greece |
Analía | Smith-Castelli | IALP, UNLP |
Doris | Stoppacher | IFT/UAM-CSIC |
María Antonela | Taverna | IATE |
Florencia | Teppa Pannia | FCAG, UNLP |
María Cecilia | Tomasini | UBA |
Cristian | Vega | IALP |
Lucas | Zenocratti | FCAG, UNLP |